Nama Umum:
Indonesia | Daun kaki kuda (Indonesia) Pegaga (Ujung Pandang) Antanan gede, Antanan rambat, Antanan, Papagan (Sunda) Dau tungke (Bugis) Pegagan, Gagan-gagan, Rendeng, Kerok batok (Jawa) Kos tekosan ( Madura) Kori-kori (Halmahera); Pegaga (Aceh) Daun kaki kuda (Melayu) Ampagaga (Batak) Taidah (Bali) sandanan (Iirian) |
English | Asian Coinleaf, Asian Pennywort, Asiatic Coinwort, Asiatic Pennywort, Gotu Kola, Indian Pennywort, Indian Water Navelwort, Ji Xue Cao, Marsh Penny, Marsh Pennywort, Pennyweed, Sheep-Rot, Spadeleaf, Thankuni, Thick-Leaved Pennywort, Water Pennywort, White Rot, Pohekula, Broken copper coin, Buabok |
French | écuelle D´eau, Centelle Asiatique, Fausse Violette, Hydrocotyle |
German | Asiatischer Wassernabel |
Hindi | Bemgsag, Brahma Manduki, Brahmanduki, Brahmi (North India, Gotu Kola, Khulakhudi, Mandookaparni, Mandukaparni (South India), Mandukparni, Thankuni, West India) |
Spanish | Hierba De Clavo, Sombrerito |
Italian | Erba Delle Tigri, Idrocotile, Scodella D´acqua |
Chinese | Ji Xue Cao, Ji Xue Cao (Chi Hsueh Ts´ao), Beng da wan, han ke cao |
Japanese | Tsubo Kusa, Tsubo-Kusa |
Thai | Bua Bok (Central Thailand), phak Nok (Northern Thailand), Phak Waen |
Vietnamese | Cây Rau Má |
Sanskrit | Brahamamanduki, Brahma Manduki, Brahmi, Divya, Jalneem, Mandukaparni, Mandukparni, Nandukparni, Thankuni |
Synonyms |
Klasifikasi ilmiah Peganan / Antanan/ Gagan-gagan /Daun Kaki kuda
Domain | Eukaryota - Whittaker & Margulis,1978 - eukaryotes |
Kingdom | Plantae - Haeckel, 1866 - Plants |
Subkingdom | Viridaeplantae - Cavalier-Smith, 1981 |
Phylum | Tracheophyta - Sinnott, 1935 Ex Cavalier-Smith, 1998 - Vascular Plants |
Subphylum | Euphyllophytina |
Infraphylum | Radiatopses - Kenrick & Crane, 1997 |
Class | Magnoliopsida - Brongniart, 1843 - Dicotyledons |
Subclass | Cornidae - Frohne & Jensen Ex Reveal, 1994 |
Superorder | Aralianae - Takhtajan, 1967 |
Order | Araliales - Burnett, 1835 |
Family | Apiaceae - Lindley, 1836 - Carrot Family |
Subfamily | Hydrocotyloideae |
Tribe | Notocacteae |
Genus | Centella - Linnaeus, Sp. Pl., ed. 2. 2: 1393. 1763. - Centella |
Specific epithet | asiatica - (L.) Urban |
Botanical name | Centella asiatica |
Terna liar, terdapat di seluruh Indonesia, berasal dari Asia tropik. Menyukai tanah yang agak lembab dan cukup mendapat sinar matahari atau teduh, seperti di padang rumput, pinggir selokan, sawah, dan sebagainya. Kadang-kadang di tanam sebagai penutup tanah di perkebunan atau sebagai tanaman sayuran (sebagai lalab), terdapat sampai ketinggian 2.500 m di atas permukaan laut.
Pegagan merupakan terna menahun tanpa batang, tetapi dengan rimpang pendek dan stolon-stolon yang merayap dengan panjang 10 cm - 80 cm, akar keluar dari setiap bonggol, banyak bercabang yang membentuk tumbuhan baru.
Helai daun tunggal, bertangkai panjang sekitar 5 cm - 15 cm berbentuk ginjal. Tepinya bergerigi atau beringgit, dengan penampang 1 cm - 7 cm tersusun dalam roset yang terdiri atas 2 - 10 helai daun, kadang-kadang agak berambut.
Bunga berwarna putih atau merah muda, tersusun dalam karangan berupa payung, tunggal atau 3-5 bersama-sama keluar dari ketiak daun. Tangkai bunga 5 mm - 50 mm.
Buah kecil bergantung yang bentuknya lonjong/pipih panjang 2 - 2,5 mm, baunya wangi dan rasanya pahit.
The stems are slender, creeping stolons, green to reddish green in color, interconnecting one plant to another. It has long-stalked, green, reniform leaves with rounded apices which have smooth texture with palmately netted veins. The leaves are borne on pericladial petioles, around 2 cm. The rootstock consists of rhizomes, growing vertically down. They are creamish in color and covered with root hairs.
The flowers are pinkish to red in color, born in small, rounded bunches (umbels) near the surface of the soil. Each flower is partly enclosed in two green bracts. The hermaphrodite flowers are minute in size (less than 3 mm), with 5-6 corolla lobes per flower. Each flower bears five stamens and two styles. The fruit are densely reticulate, distinguishing it from species of Hydrocotyle which have smooth, ribbed or warty fruit.
The crop matures in three months and the whole plant, including the roots, is harvested manually.
The flowers are pinkish to red in color, born in small, rounded bunches (umbels) near the surface of the soil. Each flower is partly enclosed in two green bracts. The hermaphrodite flowers are minute in size (less than 3 mm), with 5-6 corolla lobes per flower. Each flower bears five stamens and two styles. The fruit are densely reticulate, distinguishing it from species of Hydrocotyle which have smooth, ribbed or warty fruit.
The crop matures in three months and the whole plant, including the roots, is harvested manually.
Khasiat Herbal Pegagan / Antanan
Pegagan: Obat Awet Muda
Foto-foto Pegagan - Centella asiatica - Indian Water Navelwort adalah hasil foto kamera handphone sony ericsson k800i di halaman samping rumah di kampung gedong, pasar rebo, Jaktim.
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