Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Klasifikasi Tanaman Rambat Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera adansonii)

Swiss Cheese Plant_Monstera adansonii 1
Ternyata tanaman rambat dengan daun berlubang-lubang yang ada di halaman rumah nenek di depok adalah tanaman yang berasal dari daerah tropis di benua Amerika ya (Mexico, Peru, EKuador, Brazil, Amerika tengah dan selatan).

Nenek sendiri mendapatkan tanaman ini dari seorang kenalannya. Jadi ketika aku tanya tanaman apa ini, nenek tidak tahu apa nama tanaman rambat ini.

Setelah foto ini aku upload ke fobi (foto biodiversitas Indonesia), dan oleh adminnya dibantu dicarikan namanya, barulah aku bisa tahu tanaman rambat apa ini.

Nama umum Tanaman Rambat Swiss Cheese Plant 
English Swiss Cheese Plant, Adanson's Monstera, Monstera Plant, Swisscheese Philodendron, five holes plant
Polish Monstera Adansona
Russian Monstera Adansona, Monstera Probitaia (As M Pertusa (L) De Vriese)
Scientific Monstera adansonii
  1. Monstera friedrichsthalii
  2. Calla dracontium G. Mey.
  3. Calla pertusa (L.) Kunth
  4. Dracontium pertusum L.
  5. Monstera pertusa (L.) De Vriese
  6. Philodendron pertusum (L.) K. Koch and C. D. Bouché


Klasifikasi ilmiah Tanaman Rambat Swiss Cheese Plant
Natura - nature
Mundus Plinius - physical world
Domain Eukaryota - eukaryotes
Kingdom Plantae Haeckel, 1866 - plants
Subkingdom Viridaeplantae Cavalier-Smith, 1981 - green plants
Phylum Tracheophyta Sinnott, 1935 ex Cavalier-Smith, 1998 - vascular plants
Subphylum Euphyllophytina
Infraphylum "Radiatopses" Kenrick & Crane, 1997
Class Magnoliopsida Brongniart, 1843
Order Alismatales Dumortier, 1829
Family Araceae Adans., 1763, nom. cons. - Arum family
Subfamily Monsteroideae
Tribe Monstereae
Genus Monstera™ Adanson, 1763, nom. cons.
Specific epithet adansonii - Schott
Botanical name Monstera adansonii

Swiss Cheese Plant_Monstera adansonii 2

Monstera is a genus of about 60 species of flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to tropical regions of the Americas. The genus is named from the Latin word for "monstrous" or "abnormal", the members of the genus are distinguished by their unusual leaves with natural holes.

They are herbs or evergreen vines, growing to heights of 20 m in trees, climbing by means of aerial roots which act as hooks over branches; these roots will also grow into the soil to help support the plant. The leaves are alternate, leathery, dark green, very large, from 25-90 cm long (up to 130 cm long in M. dubia) and 15-75 cm broad, often with holes in the leaf blade. The flowers are borne on a specialised inflorescence called a spadix, 5-45 cm long; the fruit is a cluster of white berries, edible in some species.

Growing Conditions:
  • Light: Bright light, but not direct sunlight.
  • Water: High humidity. Keep soil continuously moist throughout spring and summer, and reduce watering in the winter.
  • Temperature: Prefers warm and humid conditions. Keep above 60ºF if possible, but it can survive brief cold spells with some die-back.
  • Soil: A very well-drained potting mix, including plenty of perlite. Almost an orchid mix.
  • Fertilizer: Feed regularly with liquid fertilizer throughout growing season.
Propagation: Propagation by stem cuttings with a rooting hormone. Keep cuttings warm and protected until new growth emerges.

Repotting: In nature, Monstera Plant are climbers, scooting up rainforest trees into the canopy and enlarging as they grow. Most growers, however, use them as trailers or hanging plants, which necessitates less frequent repotting. Repot every other year as needed, and refresh potting soil annually.

Varieties: There are actually 41 species of Monstera, including the Monstera adanonsii. All of them are native to Mexico, Central and South America, although some of the species are likely extinct in their native habitat. Like many aroids, M. adansonii has two leaf forms—juvenile and adult. Most plants in garden centers will feature juvenile leaf forms, with the characteristic holes in the leaf. Much of the confusion surrounding this species is due to the fact that the plant changes forms several time as it ages and no two plants look exactly the same.

Grower's Tips: M. adansonii is best grown in a conservatory or greenhouse, where humidity, temperature and light are all maximized. These are deep-jungle plants that thrive on very high humidity, lots of moisture during the rainy season and high temps. Adult plants are also climbers, so they can be aggressive if grown correctly. The closer you can mimic the plant's natural conditions the better—choose well-lit, warm and humid bathrooms or kitchens, or mist plants frequently. Move them outside in the summer and water daily, along with ample fertilizer.

Swiss Cheese Plant_Monstera adansonii 3

Foto-foto Tanaman rambat Nama umum Tanaman Rambat Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera adansonii) diambil di halaman belakang rumah nenek di Depok, Jawa Barat, dengan menggunakan kamera hape Sony Ericsson K800i.



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